Friday, August 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I'm glad to say that Todd and I are leaving one week from today to go back home to Utah!!! I am so excited!!! But i just know that this last week is going to draggggggg oonnnnnnnnnn and oooonnnnnnnnnnnn........ I'm getting to the point where I'm pacing in my apt wondering what else i can do to entertain myself. Dexter helps a little, (when he isn't driving me crazy!!!) Todd only needs 5 or 6 more sales! So everyone pray for him so he can reach his goal. he's worked so hard, and it would be really great to leave this summer with a purpose. I'll be seeing you all soon! Take care!!!


Lianne said...

I can't wait to go home either!! I am ready to be out of this place! I'm starting to get antsy too. Not too much longer!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

FINALLY!! I am so glad you guys are finally coming back! Now that we all kinda live in the same area we need to hang out! I am so excited you are coming home! I will start to get on mike about a job for you! Call me when you get home!!

Rohan Shearer said...

Can't wait till your return. I'm sure Todd will accomplish his goal.