Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vegas Part 2

Right after New Years, Todd and I took another trip to Las Vegas to hang out with my cousin Amanda and Shaun. They came down from Minnesota to spend a week with Shaun's good friend Collin. It was a quick trip but it was a lot of fun! Walker and Lianne also joined us so it was like old times! :) Here are just a few pictures of what we did:

Amanda and I in Cezars Palace

Amanda enjoying the fountains

I hope this picture doesn't offend anyone, but there's nothing to say except Vegas makes you do weird things. Especially if your names are Kara and Amanda.

Todd and the Eiffel Tower

Enjoying some drinks at the bar... don't worry, its just juice! ;)

Besides, I wouldn't drink anything bad with Todd around. Lol.

Just hanging out in one of the Casino's

Now, if me and Amanda were drunk- this is what we might look like. Ha ha.

Todd on one of the slot machines

Then after a night on the strip, Todd and I spent the night with Walker and Lianne in the Stratosphere. It was a lot of fun. Then the next day we went over to Collins where we hung out with them all day.

I love this picture of Shaun. I would think if you didn't know Shaun he might seem a little scary... oh wait. No, no, he wouldn't.

And this is Amanda and Shaun's BEAUTIFUL baby Kayliegh! I LOVE this picture of her. She is soooooo freakin adorable!

Awe, I already miss you Amanda and Shaun!!! :(

We had a lot of fun! But we always have fun as long as we are together.

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