Saturday, June 28, 2008

I love this man!

I've just been sitting here thinking how lucky I am to be with such a great man like Todd. His mother definitely raised him right. ;) He's so caring and sweet. He's done such a great job this summer going out in the hot hot sun everyday while i stay home and go tanning. its definitely not fair. But as i was just looking through some pictures of us, i couldn't help but smile because I really truly feel so lucky to have him in my life. He is the most unselfish person i know and he definitely puts up a lot being married to me! I love you Hun! :)


Lindsey T said...

Todd is the coolest! You guys are so cute!

Ryan and Steph Dudley said...

Awww Love. Isn't it wonderful! It's the same with Ryan, he is so incredibly unselfish, and that is what MAKES a marraige, I'm glad you found a good one!